Beacons matches brands with over 150k trusted creators in our network, using AI-powered deep insights and direct connections to scale your campaigns with creators without losing the personal and emotional touch, creating lasting brand resonance and real conversions.
Beacons is known for empowering creators with tools like Link in Bio, Store, and Media Kits. Now, we're leveraging our vast creator network and uniquely specific data insights to make brand campaigns with creators more efficient, more personal, and more measurable.
Discover unique creators from diverse backgrounds. Reach hyper-specific audiences that matter most to your brand.
Manage paid, gifted, or affiliate creator campaigns as effortlessly as you manage paid media spend, all in one AI-powered platform.
Build direct, personal, and lasting relationships with creators — no hidden data, no hidden attributions.
Data-backed experts who handhold you throughout the entire process, from ideation to impact measurement.
Data beyond the numbers. Find creators who like popcorn, moms who just got a pet, Asian American first-generation college students — or any other specific details you can imagine.
Meet the real person behind the camera, build relationships with creators with our verified contact information and first-party connections.
Measure your campaign's success end-to-end with comprehensive conversion data.
Leverage advanced analytics to match with influencers who align perfectly with your brand and target audience.
From sponsored user-generated content (UGC) to long-term partnerships or gifting programs to affiliate deals, find and manage any creator partnership with Beacons.
Deeply understand every customer’s specific needs and campaign goals.
Data-powered suggestions for how to optimize your budget across different influencer channels for the most effective results.
AI-powered deep dive to find the best creators that match your needs.
Direct connections with creators or their managers to get your project off the ground ASAP.
Clear communication and tight logistics planning to ensure smooth delivery.
Monitoring performance and projecting ROI, so you can make strategic adjustments as needed.
Detailed end-of-campaign reporting to show real results.